To think that because God sent His Son into the world as a baby... 100% Man... 100% God... We can have eternal life!!! Our God is so great! We are having so much fun celebrating His Earthday!!!
Ana is doing well. She has a slight cold and we are praying it doesn't turn into anything else. We got her report from Dr. S... he recommends adding a new drug to the cocktail and physical therapy twice a week. The medication will have to be ordered and PT started yesterday. Ana absolutely loves her new physical therapist! She also got her new braces the other day... She picked the American Flag print... I will try to get a picture of them in the next day or so.
The Bennett Family wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas!!!!!
(I never can find the time to do Christmas Cards, so think of this as a virtual Christmas card!)
I found this picture on our old computer and thought I would share.
Ana was two and a half here.
She still loves her "thumby"!
And a Merry Christmas to you too :)