4th, and it has been hard to digest. Life is so short compared to eternity... thank you Lord for giving us eternal life.
Ana is doing wonderful. Thursday she will have MRI's of the brain & spine, a lumbar puncture, and......she will have her central line removed!!!!!!!!! She is so happy! She will be able to have a bath and swim! Please pray that the procedures go well. Pray that there are no complications with the anesthesia so the line can be safely removed. We want July 15th to be a day of prayer for Ana Maria. We are asking all of her prayer warriors to pick 10 minutes on the 15th to pray for her. Specifically between the hours of 6AM and 9PM. Pray this remains an outpatient procedure and we can bring her home the same day. Pray her blood pressure remains stable and within normal limits. Pray that there are no major issues with her brain or spine.
Ana, the toothless wonder!
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