The fundraiser was a success! We are so thankful for all of the help we had that made this all possible! The music was great, the games were great, the silent auction was great, the food was great, and the fellowship was superb! Ana says a special thank you to everyone who helped and everyone who came! Now that it is over we are back into the swing of life. We are no longer raising for Heroes on Horseback. Any monies donated after May 8, 2010 will go directly to Ana's trust fund to help offset the costs of her medical needs.
Ana is currently doing well. We are only dealing with the normal everyday stuff it takes to keep her going. She had two big appointments in Atlanta over the last two weeks, and we are praying for a miracle! There is a new medication that is capable of treating her disease and Ana could potentially get it in a year... please join us in prayer about this. Pray that this drug is our answer to prayer... God is big enough... big enough to treat and even cure a disease such as this!
In the coming weeks Ana will undergo an MRI of her brain & spine and a lumbar puncture. I will keep everyone posted once I know the date. The doctors want to make sure they aren't missing anything with the leg pain.
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