Today was full with testing. Ana's blood sugars have stabilized and all her other labs look great. The manometry lasted from 8AM to 3:30PM. She did great and slept through the first hour or so. After the catheters were removed and the g-tube was replaced, she went down for a small bowel follow through. The follow through lasted for a couple of hours and the last x-rays were taken around 9PM. As soon as that was finished they started feeds. Ana is getting 10cc/hr of Elecare and will be bumped up 5cc every 2 hours. We pray all of this goes smoothly and we can get home by the weekend. Dr. K will be here tomorrow to go over everything and we just pray it is all good news. We are also hoping to get a better plan for treatment at home. Shey and I are getting so tired with all of this and we just want to be home. We are asking for God's wisdom in whether or not we should relocate to this area, where Ana gets the best care available. This is all so much to deal with and overwhelming to think about... if this is where He wants us then everything will fall into place. Please keep Ana in your prayers... she is doing much better today and actually wanted to go to the playroom this evening!
UpdateThe A.M.P. fundraiser has been rescheduled for May 9th. The rain date will be May 23rd. This date will not change. I will post updates about the fundraiser as they become available. Please continue to pray about this event and for those coordinating it.
We are praying for you (as always). And in a selfish way hope you do ,ove to Cincy. Then we could see you a lot more then now. But we all know God has a plan and we have to trust him to do what is best for all of you. I will keep it in my prayers. All my love. We miss you!!