Friday, September 10, 2010

A month already???

I can't believe it as been a month since my last post! So much has changed and so much has stayed the same. Ana had a wonderful August. I think the whole month she only had two minor bouts of pain. The brain MRI went perfect. Ana was so brave! The results came back normal. There is still some confusion as to her organic acids, and what "high" might mean or not mean. She did see the GI doctor on August 31st. He wants to treat some of her symptoms with Prevacid. I have mixed feelings and am still praying over the matter.
August was a big month for us. Ana, Emily, Baden, and Isabelle started school! We homeschool all of them. Ana is doing so well. She battles the tremors in her hands with every ounce of strength she has in her. I do pray she doesn't give up this year as things progress and become more of a challenge. Homeschooling would be the biggest reason why I haven't updated. I pledged to dedicate all of my free time to making that run smoothly and alot of things got put on the "back burner." We are finishing up week four and everyone is comfortable with the new routine.
As for September, it started out as smooth as August ended. We have made all of the preparations for baby Sage's 4th birthday! I cannot believe she is going to be 4... seems like just yesterday Ana was turning 4... oh! how time flies!
We are now in our second week of September and things aren't going so well. It is time to get our prayer warriors involved. Daddy brought a cold home from work on Friday and things have gone downhill since. Isabelle was the first to catch it, and now Ana is struggling. The leg pain has been horrible since Thursday morning and we are having to give lots of extra medicine for it. Her breathing sounds rough and her cough is terrible. As for the present, she is still tolerating her tube feeds. If her feeds become an issue or the leg pain cannot be controlled, she will have to go to the hospital. She is very upset about all of this. When she is awake, she is crying that she doesn't want to go to the hospital... she knows things aren't looking favorable right now. It is 4AM and I just gave another round of meds for the pain. I am planning on taking her to the pediatrician this morning to make sure we are not overlooking anything and get a current weight as a reference point incase she gets sicker. I am so disappointed about this. She did not get one virus last year, not one. It is times like this that the central line would have been a blessing... but God has a plan... a plan that I have to trust... a plan that I do trust.
A gentle spirit. A kind soul. Ana started choir back this week and she is so excited. She got to move up to the "big" kid choir! In Sonrise Choir, they do scripture memory with Mrs. Broggi, and Ana loves it. Since Wednesday I have read her Psalm 1 at least 20 times. She doesn't let much time go by before she asks me to read it again. She wants it hidden in her heart so bad... she longs for it. Before bed she was really feeling bad... crying through the leg pain... and she still asked me to help her say Psalm 1 one more time before she fell asleep. How sweet is that?!?!
Please pray for her today. Pray for her right now as you finish reading this post. Thank you.

Psalm 1
1How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked,
Nor stand in the path of sinners,
Nor sit in the seat of scoffers!
2But his delight is in the law of the LORD,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
3He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water,
Which yields its fruit in its season
And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.
4The wicked are not so,
But they are like chaff which the wind drives away.
5Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
Nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
6For the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the wicked will perish.

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