Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Mitochondrial Disease

Galatians 6:2

Bear one another's burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.

I am begging everyone to bear this burden of mitochondrial disease with us for one week! It is so easy! All you have to do is help us turn facebook green by changing your profile picture to the one in this post.

Did you know.....80% of children diagnosed with Mitochondrial Disease before the age of 5 will not survive to see 20 years of age? If it was your child, would this statistic be acceptable to you?
Ana has been sick since birth and was diagnosed at age 3! If this bothers you just a little, then help us spread the word! Change those prof
ile pictures and spread awareness. Let's turn facebook green!

1) Right click on the picture above and save it to your computer.
2) Log in to your facebook profile and click on your profile picture to change it.
3) Click the upload tab and upload the picture to your profile.
4) Leave it up from September 19th to September 25th!

Please visit www.UMDF.org to learn about other ways to advocate for Ana Maria. The UMDF website will even assist you in sending a letter!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you don't mind - I took that statstic and placed it on my FB page - just changed Ana's name to Zach and changed the age of diagnosis.
    Trying to find you on there but I can't :(
    Join MyButtonBuddies on there (FB) so we can catch up --- afterall it is because of you and Ana and MyButtonBuddies that Zach got his diagnosis ;-)
