Please stop reading this and say a prayer for Landon! Landon is a mito friend in need of urgent prayer! Landon is very sick and currently in the hospital. Thank you dear friends in Christ!
Now for the Ana update... Nothing much has changed other than more leg pain. We made the call to Boston this afternoon, about Ana's J-tube leaking and the increased eating. They are concerned that the eating could do more harm than good as the jejunum is use to predigested formula. The nurses will meet with Dr. Nurko tomorrow and discuss our options. I am trying very hard not to worry, but it is so hard. If we go to Boston, that is more time for Shey off of work, and added expenses in gas, food, and lodging. We know God will provide the way if this is where He wants us to go... but we can't help but wonder how it will all work out. I will update after we hear from Boston. Please keep this possible trip in your prayers. Pray for Dr. Nurko as he tries to make sense of it all. Pray about that leg pain as well.
We are so blessed to have such a wonderful family in Christ!
Hello Bennett Family,
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to remind you that you are always in our thoughts and our prayers. You are such a wonderful family and we love you so much.
The Woods Family
Emmy and Family,
ReplyDeleteYou are in our constant prayers. My kids are always praying and talking about Ana Maria, that she has become part of our family. Everytime I see "The Bennett's", I see smiles and peace within. You have a precious family!!
Emmy, I know I have said this before, but you are an amazing person. You have completely put your faith in God and forever giving Him the glory. God is using you in ways that you don't even know. You touch a lot of people through your words and strong faith.
Our prayers are with all of you.